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New White Paper Using PrimeRx™ to Facilitate Medication Therapy Management

When pharmacists are asked about their preferred tools for helping improve patient outcomes, medication therapy management (MTM) regularly tops the list. And it's no wonder, since MTM allows pharmacists to better manage patient health, including medications and overall wellbeing.

There are several components to a comprehensive MTM plan including:

• Medication therapy review

• Personal medication record

• Medication action plan

• Intervention and/or referral

• Documentation and follow-up

PrimeRx™ offers the functionality needed to create, manage, and maintain comprehensive MTM plans. Our new white paper, "Pharmacy Medication Therapy Management and the Essential Role of Technology," provides a detailed discussion of those capabilities, which can help pharmacies make sure they are taking full advantage of system capabilities. The paper also provides in-depth information about each aspect of MTM services, and about MTM requirements for Medicare patients.

Medication therapy is an important tool in improving patient outcomes. Download a complimentary copy of our white paper here to learn how you can easily add this important service to your pharmacy's portfolio of patient offerings.

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