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The Only Organization in the U.S. focused Solely on Advocating for Pharmacy Compounding — The Alliance for Pharmacy Compunding

Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding

We're stronger and more effective when you're our member. Join APC and let us be your advocate.

APC represents tens of thousands of compounders and patients: pharmacists, technicians, students, researchers, suppliers, as well as the men, women, and even the animals they care for.

Our Campaign to Save Compounded Hormones has entered its second year. Our goal remains stopping restrictions on compounded hormone therapy — treatment that has done wonders for millions of women and men for decades.

The threat to cBHT is a threat to patients and to the pharmacies that serve them.

APC and the coalition we've built are stepping up to counter that threat — and whatever comes next. (Read about our media campaign, and contribute to it, at

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Compounding: USP <795> Non-Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology