Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Aim High with PharmPilot

Pharmacies excel when they proactively detect shortages and other problem areas before they turn into audit findings. This first line of defense against PBM audits starts with PharmPilot’s AuditPilot. 

This service protects pharmacies from adverse findings that could result in payment holds, withholdings, and terminations from PSAOs. AuditPilot is here to prepare pharmacies for invoice shortage audits by using sophisticated analytical tools, such as:

Claims Data and Purchase Records Processing.

Reconciliation and Artificial Intelligence.

Results and recommendations Reports.

The arsenal of resources available for a pharmacy for added defense doesn’t stop with AuditPilot. They offer AuditReady to understand areas for compliance improvement. Specifically, pharmacies can get a snapshot of an audit readiness profile and immediately obtain actionable insight to improve compliance and prepare the organization for audits.

PharmPilot lands the plane by reducing the number of PBM audits, while simultaneously achieving positive audit outcomes for their clients.


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