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Level up with SUNRx Advanced Claims Capture! Now w/ SOC 2 Certification!

The need to optimize 340B savings is more important today than ever before considering the Manufacturers’ constraints that have been added to the 340B program.  

SUNRx, along with AuthorityRx (ARx), have developed an industry leading solution to help 340B Covered Entities (CEs - hospitals) compliantly optimize the capture of eligible 340B claims, including referral and fallout claims. This helps increase the savings available to your hospital and, provide compliant opportunities for entities to capture claims that would otherwise fall out of eligibility.

Advanced Claims Capture features:

Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Certification
• SUNRx and ARx are SOC 2 certified
• SOC 2 (Type 1 & 2) audit is a rigorous process to ensure high data security levels and processes
• Patient and switch data entrusted to both SUNRx and ARx, is housed in secure environments with high standards in data processing.

Enhancement of Referral Claims Capture
• Data mining CE’s EMR data
• Identification of referrals
• Engagement with referral providers 

In addition to these features listed, SUNRx also includes:
• No-cost Annual 340B Audit 
• Customized 340B Program Recommendations of CE’s Policies & Procedures 
• No set-up costs for contracted SUNRx clients

Contact SUNRx to learn more! 

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