Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

Rx Delivered Now - How We Make a Difference

How We Make a Difference

Increase patient access

Millions of Americans experience delays in medical treatment due to outdated pharmacy systems, contributing to the $600B in annual healthcare cost to the US healthcare system by efficiently delivering any essential medication to the underserved community thus reducing unnecessary trips and traffic to local pharmacies.

Modernizing pharmacies

The dated and blocked workflow of pharmacists, such as prescriptions, logistics, and delivery by building the technology stack to help with pharmacy logistics and delivery, this information will also help pharmacists improve their patient care.

Supporting local businesses

How to encourage consumers to support or continue to support their community independent pharmacies

Providing seamless delivery and support to patients ordering from our in-network local pharmacies, allowing them to monitor their prescription delivery

Empowering pharmacies to compete

Local community pharmacies compete with big-box retailers today in the e-commerce and on-demand delivery scope.

Arming pharmacies with metrics, historical information, up-to-date drug information, and in turn help personalize care for patients and serve the communities they live in.


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