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Visit the PharmPilot "Pharmacy Consulting (Retail)" Booth in the Virtual Trade Show

Your Pharmacy Co-Pilot

Achieving the vision of operating a pharmacy with complete peace of mind

Many pharmacy operators understand the value of controlling, understanding, and reconciling data. However, retail pharmacy owners often find themselves unable to gain complete control over electronic and paper records, and quickly realize that ingesting, integrating, processing and analyzing vast arrays of data is too complex and time-consuming. Off-the-shelf solutions simply do not work at addressing these challenges. PharmPilot changes all that.

  • Comprehensive – Our goal is to make sure all data, no matter how complex, is captured and processed
  • Advanced Claims Analytics – We rapidly develop comprehensive analytics of your claims data and give you all relevant insight
  • Reverse Audit – Our approach to pharmacy audit mitigation and preparedness can be best described as “reverse audits”. We know how PBMs do it, and prepare you for what’s to come.

At the core of our approach to complete pharmacy data health is the process of audit mitigation and preparedness conducted by carefully analyzing all collected data and applying advanced methodology to prepare you for every eventuality. Try PharmPilot today to see how we can drastically improve your pharmacy’s audit health.

AuditPilot ™

PharmPilot’s proactive audit preparedness service, AuditPilot, serves as the first line of defense against PBM audits.

  • Claims Data Processing – claim records are continuously collected and categorized
  • Purchase Records Processing – all purchase records are collected, processed, converted and normalized
  • Reconciliation & Analytics – using our unique coding databases and artificial intelligence tools, we reconcile purchase and claims records and analyze your data monthly to spot inconsistencies and areas of concern
  • Results Delivery & Summary – we deliver our findings to decision makers in an easy, relevant format, highlighting our recommendations and areas of concern that make audit preparedness and compliance extremely easy to implement


Finding anomalies and trends that lead to audits and investigations, and comparing your store’s performance to others.

  • Purchase Data Analysis – analyzing purchase data to determine problematic purchases and outliers
  • Red Flags Detection – high-audit-probability claims, problematic purchases, unusual claim trends, and other anomalies detection
  • Identification of Outliers – analyzing purchase activity to detect significant outliers compared to the entire universe of purchase data
  • Inventory Analytics – Inventory ageing reports and analytics
  • AuditScore – a simple comprehensive measure of your pharmacy’s audit health

(888) 790-4800 |
Audits happen to every pharmacy nationwide. With 30 years of combined pharmacy legal and administrative experience and hundreds of clients and customers we have helped over the years, we are sure that we will be able to dramatically improve audit outcomes.

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