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In Good Hands

Success with a 340B program means knowing how to serve the unique needs of a diverse patient population. It involves protecting the hospital from escalating drug prices and optimizing revenue claims. And it requires a system that ensures compliance with any challenges covered entities experience.

340Basics, the 340B technology division of Nuvem, recognizes that compliance with the HIPAA security rule is not a one-time event but a continuous process that applies the highest security and privacy protocols to protect health information. 340Basics is SOC 2 certified and performs an annual HIPAA Assessment and Penetration Test.

Clients can elevate their operations with best-in-class tools that capture an average of 40% more claims than other solutions. Moreover, the team at 340Basics can analyze the pharmacy revenue to uncover areas for savings, optimization, and growth. 


To ensure clients achieve all 340B goals, 340Basics provides program support, education, and training to its clients. These resources ensure all the services work seamlessly to impact patients positively.

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Distribution: 340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems