& USP<800> Resources & Compliance" Booth in the Virtual Trade Show" /> & USP<800> Resources & Compliance" Booth in the Virtual Trade Show" />

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Visit the Wolters Kluwer Health "USP<797> & USP<800> Resources & Compliance" Booth in the Virtual Trade Show

Streamline USP Inspections

More than 2,000 pharmacies trust Simplifi 797 to take the effort out of USP <795>, <797>, and <800> compliance

Simplifi 797 is turnkey pharmacy compliance software that automates operations required to comply with USP chapters 795, 797 and 800. The customizable interface eliminates the paper and binder clutter of the inspection process, reducing time and effort for your team. We design the expert content, task management, and alerts to ensure you’re operating safely and compliantly—and we make them available on a mobile-friendly electronic platform, so you can provide the inspector everything they need at the touch of a finger.

Unlike other products that stop at inspection readiness, Simplifi 797 helps you continuously improve your practice with customizable analytics, up to 45 hours of continuing education and regularly updated best practices from industry experts.

Expert compliance guidance that keeps patients safe

Backed by Wolters Kluwer’s 200 years of leading domain expertise and a team of internal compounding compliance experts, Simplifi 797 handles the ‘what and how’ of USP Chapters 795, 797 and 800, so you can optimize operations, maximize staff competency, and pass every inspection with confidence.

Customized and closed-loop so nothing falls through the cracks

The solution is custom-developed so each component aligns with the next, ensuring that everything from policies and procedures to training and task management are perfectly fit to your needs.

Ensures compliance and standardizes operations

Streamline cleanroom operations and enhance compliance tracking documentation with task management, environmental sampling, master formulation templates and compounding logs. Easily manage multiple facilities from one centralized location.

Prepares you for USP revisions in real time

The continued USP <795> and <797> revision conversations are drawing closer to finalizing the chapters, and the enforcement timeline is looming. The experts at Simplifi 797 are preparing so customers will be compliant at enforcement—we are enhancing our functionality and content to support the changes and developing resource documents to help you navigate the differences.

Industry-leading inspection-ready reports optimize performance

State-of-the-art analytics provide compliance activities and trends specific to your compounding sites, Quality Scorecard reports and more, to ensure a trouble-free inspection.

Educates staff and demonstrates training validation

Staff receive ACPE-approved web-based training through an exlusive parternship with CriticalPoint that is updated as regulations evolve. Access expert-written observational competencies, an easy-to-use scheduler and a customizable competency builder.

Provides the best customer support on the market

When you purchase Simplifi 797, you're not just acquiring a quality management system. You're gaining a full support and success team dedicated to helping you get the most out of your compliance solution. First, our implementation team works with you to assess your situation, ensuring the solution is tailored specifically to your needs, and on your timeline. Once set up, you'll have a 24/7 support team for any ongoing assistance. Plus, your dedicated Customer Success Manager is committed to facilitating your compliance success.

Finally, the application and its expert content are updated quarterly based on customer feedback and industry trends, so you have access to the latest best practices. Wolters Kluwer's Simplifi 797 makes it easy to be compliant.

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Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology