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Executing Your Strategic Options [Video]

Private Client Group 

Professional Advisory Services

Executing Your Strategic Options

Paragon Ventures' Private Client Group (PCG) clients receive our exclusive representation and professional advisory services to explore, evaluate, and execute their strategic options. We start with a comprehensive analysis of financial and operational performance. Throughout the process we benchmark and highlight market valuation and identify factors which could add to or detract from a successful transaction. Each step of the way, we quietly and confidentially provide the insight and guidance needed to execute a transaction which will maximize the total enterprise value of the business... when the time is right!

Comprehensive Business Evaluation

-Financial review and analysis

-Operational assessment

-Transactional SWOT  analysis

-Sector Assessment / Current Market Dynamics

-Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM)

Strategic Options Development

-Assessment of projected valuation

-Current EBITDA assessment

-Transaction market assessment

-Exit Strategy development

-Market timing analysis

Market Execution- "When the time is right"

-Confidential blind introductions to pre-qualified buyer universe

-Coordinate confidentiality agreements and related documents

-Tender and assess Letters of Intent (LOI)

-Transaction review including comparative deal matrix analysis

-Coordinate and manage due diligence

-Finalize purchase agreements and related documents for transaction closing

Paragon Ventures' Private Client Group provides advance planning, market insight and the skilled execution needed to successfully close an M&A transaction. Request our initial consultation and begin exploring the strategic options for your healthcare business. 



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