Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Responding to Challenges That No One Has Dared to Tackle Before

Responding to Challenges That No One Has Dared to Tackle Before


Many pharmacy operators understand the value of controlling, understanding, and reconciling data.  However, retail pharmacy owners often find themselves unable to gain complete control over electronic and paper records, and quickly realize that ingesting, integrating, processing and analyzing vast arrays of data is too complex and time-consuming.  Off-the-shelf solutions simply do not work at addressing these challenges.  PharmPilot changes all that.

• Comprehensive – our goal is to make sure all data, no matter how complex, is captured and processed

• Advanced Claims Analytics – We rapidly develop comprehensive analytics of your claims data and give you all relevant insight

• Reverse Audit – Our approach to pharmacy audit mitigation and preparedness can be best described as “reverse audits”.  We know how PBMs do it, and prepare you for what’s to come.

At the core of our approach to complete pharmacy data health is the process of audit mitigation and preparedness conducted by carefully analyzing all collected data and applying advanced methodology to prepare you for every eventuality.  Try PharmPilot today to see how we can drastically improve your pharmacy’s audit health.

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