Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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It’s Medicare D Enrollment Time – Are you prepared?

As your customers review the new Med D plans for 2023, that is just around the corner. We have some reminders for your pharmacy.

1. Enrollment period is from Oct 15th – Dec 7th.  

2. Your customers might need assistance with either reviewing their plans with you or will need a list of their current medications.  Be proactive and provide a list and ask if they need assistance.  This type of Customer Service goes a long way.

Some of the trending plans are:

• Humana Walmart Medicare Part D

• Silverscript Smart Rx

• Wellcare Value Script

There are several other plans available for 2023.  The key is to assist the customer with the best plan for them.  

3. Prepare to explain the increase of the Donut Hole, Deductible and the Out of Pocket.  

     a. Deductible will increase to $505

     b. Donut Hole will increase to $4660

     c. Out of pocket (Troop) will increase to $7400

With all of the changes that are coming for 2023, there is still time to implement the QRx Solutions Pre and Post edits (PPE) program to help cushion some of those changes and assist with these uncertain times.  This will ensure your pharmacy is maximizing your reimbursements before 2023 and after, as well as capturing any rebillable items if a plan has not updated their reimbursement rates after the first of the year.  The QRx program is an important part of a sound strategy for recession proofing your pharmacy during these times we are experiencing.  With an extra set of eyes to review your claims, QRx helps provide piece of mind. Contact us for further information or check out our website. 

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