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Benefits of Proper Medical Waste Segregation

Healthcare providers and administrators understand that a safe care environment is part of the groundwork for healthier communities. A crucial yet sometimes overlooked aspect of improving healthcare environments is proper medical waste management, which includes the segregation of medical waste from other waste types into designated containers designed for medical waste storage, collection, and transportation. Proper medical waste segregation can benefit healthcare organizations and the communities they serve in multiple ways.

Maintain Regulatory Compliance

Applicable law often requires medical waste segregation. Therefore, a medical waste segregation program can help healthcare organizations avoid enforcement or other legal action. Waste segregation can be challenging, but partnering with a knowledgeable waste management provider can help establish an appropriate process. 

Healthcare organizations should refer to state and local regulations applicable to their facility when developing a waste segregation program.

Reduce Waste Management Costs

Proper waste segregation can benefit healthcare organizations by enabling them to understand the volumes of each type of produced waste. Segregating and tracking waste types can help an organization reduce waste disposal costs. Of all the waste generated by healthcare organizations, 85% is general municipal waste, which is typically subject to minimal regulation. Organizations should segregate the relatively small percentage of regulated wastes that requires special handling or treatment, which will help prevent overpaying for either solid waste or regulated waste services. Continue Reading >>

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