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What Makes NarcX The Best Solution?

Incredibly Simple

Our unique and patented product, NarcX®, is the ONLY liquid solution that immediately renders pills, tablets, capsules, and liquids non-divertible and ultimately non-retrievable—and the only on-site method of medication destruction that is DEA compliant.

Entirely Biodegradable

Our products are environmentally safe, meaning you can toss depleted solutions right into the trash. Pills, Tablets, capsules, and liquids begin to dissolve immediately and become non-retrievable in under 2 hours. NarcX is a fully biodegradable medication disposal solution for your home or office.

Safe And Secure

Compounds are rendered non-retrievable on site, eliminating the need for incineration. Additionally, medications are indiscernible and indigestible in the solution to discourage tampering, keeping both controlled and non controlled substances out of the wrong hands.

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