Healthcare is an industry with constant change. Those changes bring a need for current training. Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and even inspectors in every type of facility and practice need training programs to help increase patient safety through educational offerings that focus on USP compounding and best practices.
CriticalPoint is the source for elearning, field certification, and virtual training to improve competency and patient safety. Clients of Critical Point will have access to:
• Well-known subject matter experts who serve as programming authors.
• Current content on compounding training and resources.
• A Learning Management System to provide anywhere/anytime access to eLearning.
CriticalPoint offers an ever-growing array of training, compliance tools, and other resources. All products are reviewed and updated annually to reflect changes in regulations and practice standards as they evolve through scientific study.
This training system is an invaluable timesaver to expedite compliance with regulatory requirements.
This post is related to:
Compounding: USP <795> Non-Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology