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Part ONE: Change Doesn’t Have to be Complicated – Shift to Sustainable Thinking [VIDEO]

Change doesn’t have to be complicated. It just has to be managed properly. That’s what four top cold chain experts have learned over many years of driving continuous improvements in their own cold chains and serving as solution strategists and change management consultants.

For that reason, Sean, Leah, Amar and Kelly joined host Ashley Barey of Zebra Technologies for a 30-minute roundtable about how to properly affect change within your cold chain, especially if you are striving for a more sustainable operation.

• The pillars that cold chain companies may want to consider adopting if they want to successfully balance sustainability goals against economic goals, and why some are struggling.

• How cold chain companies can approach circular economy and recycling programs to meet sustainability goals. 

• The steps that can be taken to reduce landfill waste from your cold chain. (They also talked about the changes their companies are making in their own cold chains to increase the use of recyclable, dissolvable and compostable packaging and supplies and reduce the use of plastics.)

• Why it seems so hard to implement positive changes across cold chains and key takeaways from successful change efforts, including best practices, good process frameworks, the questions to ask, and who should be consulted before, while and after changes are implemented.

• The top three things you should do no matter what if you want to make your cold chain more sustainable, regardless of your approach to sustainability.

Panelists include:

Sean Merrill, Head of Quality at Langham Logistics

Leah Harris, Director of Business Development, Life Sciences, at Langham Logistics

Amar Chahal, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Development at Cold Chain Technologies

Kelly Breneisen, Zebra’s Regional Portfolio Manager for RFID and Expanding Technologies

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