Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Saving Lives Shouldn't Hurt

Healthcare workers stand throughout their day. Research shows that prolonged standing increases the risk of serious long-term health effects, including lower back and leg pain and other musculoskeletal issues. 

Prolonged standing can also reduce productivity, performance, and quality of life. SmartCells Cushion Technology offers anti-fatigue flooring solutions specifically designed for hospital and pharmacy staff. SmartCells® reduce 41% of the pain associated with lost productivity. 


From front desk mats and insoles to antimicrobial and auto-clave safe surgery mats, SmartCells provide healthcare professionals with the comfort they deserve.

The optimized design of SmartCells provides a stable surface over cylindrical cells that soften under impact. This engineering creates the perfect balance of support and cushion for maximum fatigue relief while minimizing the risk of injury.

Manufactured from durable rubber and engineered based on time-tested research, the anti-fatigue solutions provide years of uninterrupted use in the most demanding environments.

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