Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Compliance Made Easy

According to USP <797>, all compounding personnel must perform media-fill testing to assess their sterile technique and related practices initially and every six months after. Hardy Diagnostics is compound pharmacies' trusted partner for:

Media Fill Challenge Testing

Air Monitoring

Surfaces and Personnel Monitoring

Membrane Filtration and Direct Inoculation

Pharmaceutical facilities across the globe apply Hardy Diagnostics microbiology products to diagnose and prevent disease. From automated microscope slide stainers to rapid

identification kits for microbiological testing in clinical, pharmaceutical technicians receive reliable testing solutions to ensure quality and accurate results.


Hardy Diagnostics manufactures over 2,700 different products used in the microbiology laboratory. The FDA licensed Hardy Diagnostics as an in vitro Medical Device Manufacturer and is ISO 13485 Certified. The company has an active research and development laboratory where a team of microbiologists advance products for the rapid detection and identification of bacteria and fungi. 

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This post is related to:

Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology