Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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The Highest Quality of Products for Compound Pharmacies

Spectrum Pharmacy Products is prepared for USP Compliance <800> and stands ready to help compound pharmacies prepare as well. Spectrum has all the products pharmacists need, from a complete line of USP <800> compliant primary engineering controls to cleaning and disinfection solutions to personal protective equipment.

Spectrum offers a USP<800> Solutions Guide to provide a full range of garb and personal protective equipment (PPE) for various applications. The team at Spectrum can personally help fill in any knowledge gaps for understanding and complying with the USP <800>. 


Spectrum Pharmacy Products ensure the highest standards for safely handling hazardous drugs to minimizing the risk of exposure to healthcare personnel, patients, and the environment. Customers also have access to Spectrum's USP <800> class at their state-of-the-art facility with laboratory demonstrations or online courses.

Spectrum has been serving compounders and scientists for nearly five decades. They have performed more than 20,000 analytical tests annually in their four globally located laboratories.

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USP <800> Compliance