Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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The One-Stop Program for USP 800 Compliance

Navigating the complex requirements and regulations for pharmaceutical waste can be time-consuming and confusing. PharmEcology® by Waste Management provides the tools and programs that healthcare facilities stay current and compliant while implementing these practices for handling hazardous drugs.

One of the key offerings of PharmEcology is the customized USP <800> Assessment of Risk. The experts at PharmEcology work with the pharmacy team to tailor an assessment of risk that trasmits your decisions regarding the proper usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) and containment strategies at the NDC level.

The facility has access to a searchable database of over 220,000 pharmaceutical products which include hazardous drug determinations as defined by NIOSH. 


The USP <800> Assessment of Risk minimizes the risk of exposure of your employees to pharmaceuticals they are handling in their daily practice. 

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