Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

Protecting Pharmacy and Patients

A specialty pharmacy with a unique niche looks for innovation and simplicity to increase productivity. A hospital pharmacy needs a system that streamlines processes to get the patient the medication immediately and safely. And the pharmacy staff want features that make their job easier. 

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The vendor that can deliver on those functionalities is a partner that knows the importance of adaptability because of the ever-changing future of pharmacy. Micro Merchant System is that partner. With the PrimeRx system, independent pharmacies, hospitals, and institutions can fill prescriptions swiftly, securely, and profitably while meeting the challenges of today's pharmacy market.

The easy-to-use, PrimeRx pharmacy software improves overall productivity with tools to simplify workflow, patient and provider intake, process claims, label and dispensing, and managing inventory. PrimeRx is a total pharmacy dispensing solution.

The statistics support this best-in-class pharmacy software with the following findings:

96% of their customers recommend PrimeRx

99% Customer Retention Rate

93% of support tickets closed within 24 hours

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This post is related to:

Software: Pharmacy Management Systems, Workflow