Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Making the Best Decision Possible

Decision mapping is a tree diagram of the thinking involved in a deliberative decision. It is a critical-thinking approach that helps choose the best thing to do from various options. Fundamentally, decision mapping allows for better decisions. 


Decision mapping helps assess complex, multi-factor situations for critical decision-making, such as compounding pharmaceuticals. 

Baker Co applies decision mapping to support their compound pharmaceutical customers when they must make vital decisions. Compound pharmacists need to comply with USP <795>, <797>, and <800>, and it can be challenging to decide which primary engineering controls to apply.

Technicians can turn to Baker for a decision map that is informed by USP guidelines to ensure compliance. Click here to download decision maps for:

• Class I biosafety cabinets

• Class II (Type A2, B1, B2) biosafety cabinets

• Class III biosafety cabinets

• Clean benches

• Compounding aseptic isolators (CAIs)

• Compounding aseptic containment isolators (CACIs)

• Containment ventilated enclosures (CVEs)

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This post is related to:

Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology