Pharmacy Market BUZZ

Market News, Products, Services, and Trends

Approximately 50-55 new drug molecules are forecast to be introduced to the marketplace per year ...

Up and Coming Changes  

Approximately 50-55 new drug molecules are forecast to be introduced to the marketplace per year and are estimated to contribute about $133 billion to drug cost growth through 2025.  Specialty medicines now account for 53% of spending, up from 27% in 2010 and primarily driven by growth in autoimmune and oncology therapies. 

Source: Statistica 2021 

Is your pharmacy ready for these changes?  Do you know when the Brands change to generic in real time and not months down the road?  QRx is able to identify at time of adjudication with our Pre and Post edits.  We have over 300 business rules in place and continue to grow them as the industries change, whether LTC, Specialty, Community or Retail.  It is always better to ensure correct payment instead of chasing it months later after receiving a report.  Let us provide you with a demo and show you how your pharmacy can benefit with our services.  

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