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PharmE® USP <800> Customized Assessment of Risk

PharmEcology provides a one-stop solution to help your organization identify, segregate, manage, and dispose of pharmaceutical waste in a compliant and cost-effective manner. We now offer a unique Assessment of Risk customized to your inventory as required by USP <800>.

> Tailored Services

PharmEcology's services are part of a larger concept, a total solution individualized to address the unique circumstances of your facility.

> Proven Expertise

The PharmEcology team has 30 years of experience managing pharmaceutical waste streams in the healthcare environment.

> Total Compliance

PharmEcology's customized services coupled with our industry knowledge ensure compliance in a cost effective manner.

PharmE® USP <800> Customized Assessment of Risk:

PharmEcology Services offers a unique consulting service based on USP <800> requirements, recommendations from NIOSH, and leveraging the data from PharmEcology’s proprietary database, to provide a web-based portal with detailed Assessment of Risk for all NDCs taking into account all dosage forms. The Assessment of Risk is performed for both pharmacy and nursing staff based on common hazardous drug handling practices per dosage form, which includes both the preparation and administration phases of hazardous drug handling. These details are customized to the organization’s decisions on hazardous drug handling and used in future evaluation of hazardous drugs.

This service also provides Functional Risk Minimization templates for the documentation of all relevant decisions by function and type of personnel, e.g. pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nurses, etc. based on their role in hazardous drug handling.

The Compliance Management Document rolls up all requirements under USP <800> into a project management format for complete documentation to be available for Joint Commission Surveys, state Board of Pharmacy reviews, or other regulatory inquiries.

To learn more about how we can assist your organization in coming into USP <800> compliance, please contact us at 1-877-247-7430 or at

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USP <800> Compliance