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Action Intelligence Fighting Diversion

According to Drug Diversion Digest, the number of doses lost to employee misuse and theft yearly adds up to $47.2 billion. Unfortunately, most solutions on the market cannot fulfill the promise of identifying and predicting drug diverters because they can’t pull all data from all sources.

Not so with ANiGENT, the team created a surveillance process incorporating a facility’s ability to track, monitor, and collect information pulled from all data sources. The solution is called the Medication Administration Analysis Program (MAAP). After five years of benchmark studies, MAAP demonstrated that it could proactively tackle drug diversion prevention and significantly reduce inefficiencies.

MAAP can monitor anyone involved in the compounding, dispensing, administering, and wasting of medications. It follows all substances at risk of being diverted, including patches, infusions, syringes, oral liquids, and injectables. MAAP’s capabilities also include tracking data from any location, department, or procedure area where high-risk substances are handled, never bypassing any room or location.


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This post is related to:

Drug Diversion Monitoring, Diversion Prevention