Approximately 20% to 50% of patients are nonadherent to their medications.1 This stat weighs heavily on pharmacists as they aim to improve an individual’s quality of life. Patients rely on pharmacists to help them live healthier lives. ServeRx® by 3AM Technologies provides pharmacists with an innovative tool that provides peace of mind that they are dispensing the right medications on time, every time to their patient.
The ServeRx eco-system involves products that deliver safe, smart, and simple medication management solutions, reducing human error and increasing patient care and safety.
Designed as a unique closed-loop solution for accuracy and tracking from order entry through medication administration.
ServeRx® is 100% modular, allowing the facility to choose the best hardware and software features to serve the patient and hospital needs. Ultra-personalized features include:
• Intuitive and easy-to-learn functionality.
• Integration with any electronic health record system.
• Compliance with the Five Rights of Medication Administration.
• Bar code patient identification readers.
• Biometric fingerprint user authentication.
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Automation: Med Carts, Computer Carts, COWs