An in-house specialty pharmacy offers 340B hospitals significant savings and revenue potential. ProxsysRx helps its clients reach that potential. The company currently owns and/or manages outpatient retail pharmacies for dozens of hospitals in the country, and they’ve partnered with one of the nation’s most highly respected health systems to help other health systems add specialty pharmacy operations.
ProxsysRx works with hospitals to improve their 340B programs’ revenue, then implement strategies to fund specialty pharmacies from that improved revenue. The goal is that the hospitals ultimately pay nothing out of pocket to build and manage their own specialty pharmacies.
Finally, unlike other entities in the managed services space, ProxsysRx supports health systems’ specialty pharmacies as a white label service (operated under their corporate brands). As a pharmacy partner, they’ve never lost a health system — for the simple reason that they do what’s necessary to ensure those health systems are happy with the partnership.
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Distribution: 340B Solutions, 340B Management Systems