Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Pharmacy Personalization

Community pharmacists are poised to change the face of preventive care. Pharmacies are quickly becoming the most accessible wellness destination for patients between doctor visits. PrescribeWellness supports the goals of these indispensable pharmacists with a proprietary cloud-based platform that empowers pharmacies to address star ratings, medication adherence, and customer loyalty while also creating solutions to streamline workflow and sustain health services that independent pharmacies can offer customers.

Inspiring collaboration for better health, PrescribeWellness from Transaction Data Systems is a leading provider to advance population health and chronic care management within the pharmacy. More than 30,000 healthcare professionals in all 50 states use their cloud-based technology to streamline care delivery, improve health outcomes, and help pharmacies build loyalty.

The solutions from PrescribeWellness result in revenue opportunities and higher customer satisfaction. The pharmacy supports their customer with needed preventive care, which makes the community healthier.


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