Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Shamrock — Labeling Needs in Healthcare & Pharmacy

These labels are composed of the most advanced materials and adhesives available today. These labels are built to last. And these labels are Shamrock Labels. Shamrock has been the leading innovator in labeling for healthcare, pharmacy, laboratory, and research since its inception in 1969.

shamrock label.png

Labels have a job to do, and in healthcare, their job is critical. From facestock to adhesive and shape to color, the details within the labels make the difference between unreliable identification and improved patient safety.

The Shamrock team knows that legibility with labels is critical. This product must withstand difficult conditions to stay put and come off quickly. These are attributes a pharmacist wants in a label, but they are often difficult to get from other companies. At Shamrock, getting it right means the right results for the customer.

The full-service customer support teams at Shamrock get the pharma and health facility the precise label for the needed product. 

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