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USP 800 compliance improves, but there's more to be done


Pharmacies have continued to make progress toward full USP <800> compliance. That’s impressive, but now is the time to push through with USP Chapter 800 becoming official with U.S. Pharmacopeia Chapter's 795 and 797 enforcement later this year.

USP Chapter 800 reference standards progress

According to Pharmacy Purchasing & Product's report, 73% of compounding facilities report meeting most or all of the USP <800> requirements. While facilities below 100 beds have lower compliance rates, the number of hospitals reporting full compliance doubled to 24%. Meanwhile, the number of facilities that have yet to address the requirements at all fell by half; fewer than 10% remain that are still in the planning stages of addressing the requirements.

Other specific indicators of USP 800 standards progress include:

• Facilities have increased external venting of Containment Primary Engineering Controls

• Installation of pressure indicators now exceeds 90%

• More than 80% of facilities have committed to segregating the storage of hazardous drugs

• Less than 20% of facilities still unpack hazardous drugs in either positive or unmeasured pressure areas

• More than 80% of facilities have invested in the installation of dedicated refrigerators for antineoplastic hazardous drugs in a negative pressure area

Maintaining USP 800 progress and complying with NIOSH hazardous drug standards

Between the current need to prioritize COVID-19 vaccine storage and compliance with interim compounding guidance, pharmacies may feel overwhelmed as they strive to maintain their progress. Read more >

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