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Quality Compounding for Life

Healthcare facilities face continuing drug shortages, escalating drug costs, and ever-changing compliance requirements. Due to these in-house challenges, many compounding pharmacies outsource this service to a FDA-registered 503B provider. 

Selecting a 503B provider is an important decision that requires thoughtful assessment and vetting of any potential vendor. Pharmacy managers must do their due diligence to fully assess potential vendors’ quality, safety, and track record. They will find a superior report card when looking at Leiters Health. 


Leiters Health is a trusted FDA-registered 503B outsourcing provider of high-quality compounded sterile preparations and pharmacy services.

Leiters Health provides access to high-quality compounded sterile preparations for hospitals, surgery centers, clinics, and physician offices. Their team of experts in sterile pharmaceutical manufacturing, repackaging, and compounding provide a sophisticated understanding of what it takes to elevate the quality and consistency of supply in outsourcing. 

The healthcare facility will receive robust processes and a high-tech outsourcing facility, ensuring the highest quality products and services.     

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This post is related to:

Manufacturing: 503B Outsourcing Facilities, Compounding Services