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USP <800> & AirClean Systems

How AirClean Systems products can aid in USP <800> compliance

AirClean Systems products can provide compliance to USP 800 in the following areas:

The enclosures outlined below allow, with additional measures, a facility to become compliant to USP 800 requirements. These products are considered to be either Class I, Class II BSCs and LAFW's for use in compliance to USP 800 or relevant sections of USP 795 and USP 797.

PowderSafe Type A

PowderSafe Type B

PowderSafe Type C

Polypropylene E-Series Free-Standing Enclosures

Polypropylene Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Bench

Vertical Laminar Flow Workstation

Polypropylene Vertical Laminar Flow Enclosure

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