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Prescription for Compliance: Is Your Pharmacy Ready for DSCSA Regulations?

Hey there, fellow pharmacy superheroes! As the countdown begins for the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) regulations, it's time to gear up and ensure our pharmacies are ready to rock the compliance game. Outcomes has your back with a list of the top five considerations to ace the DSCSA journey. So put on your lab coats, grab a pen, and let's dive in! 

Get Your Compliance Prescription Filled: To avoid any regulatory headaches, make sure you're well-versed in the DSCSA requirements. It's like studying for a pop quiz, but instead of flashcards, you've got official guidelines. Don't worry; there won't be any multiple-choice questions! Just familiarize yourself with product tracing, verification processes, serialized product identifiers, and authorized trading partner requirements. Remember, the only thing you should fake is a smile to the patients, not your compliance efforts! 

Tech Upgrades: The Pharma Matrix: Picture this: Neo in "The Matrix" fighting off rogue agents, but in our case, it's you battling outdated technology systems. Upgrade your pharmacy management system to handle serialization like a champ. You want a system that can handle electronic data interchange with trading partners, maintain transaction history, and perform product verification with style.  At Outcomes, our Rx30 and ComputerRx software platforms will have what you need to ensure you don't let technology glitches be the villain in your compliance journey! Read more >

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DSCSA Solutions