Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Standing Comfortably

While standing through the workday at a pharmacy is a reality, fatigue doesn’t have to be for your employees. Anti-fatigue mats by SmartCells protect employees by providing the perfect balance of support and cushion for maximum relief while minimizing the risk of slips and falls.

Receiving the utmost comfort on the floor means increased productivity. The engineering team at SmartCells designed the mats to return energy and resist bottoming out, helping the workforce function at their best. The mats can also prevent workplace claims and injury by resisting buckling or curling. Providing secure footing is essential in a constantly standing workplace.


Standing workers report pain conditions frequently. The anti-fatigue system reduces 41% of the pain associated with lost productivity. Employees can recapture lost productivity instead of being debilitated by the pain of standing work.

Resistant to breaking down, thinning, and becoming brittle, SmartCells mats have an 8-year warranty. The pharmacy will have these mats last years rather than a few months, eliminating the cost and hassle of replacing them yearly.

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