Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Are You Updated on USP <797>?

Managing a compounding pharmacy means ensuring adherence to USP <797> policy changes and revising standard operating procedures (SOPs). Whether it is media-fill testing, gloved fingertip testing, or viable sampling, management must address even slight changes, stay on top of best practices, and know the difference between the two.

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When it comes to exceeding the expectations of regulators and customers, Pure Microbiology is the partner of choice when the pharmaceutical or compounding industries require intricate knowledge USP<797>. Pure Microbiology is a consulting company that delivers solutions in microbiology that can take healthcare facilities to a new level of operations.

Pure Microbiology offers training sessions that take a deeper dive into regulations to support compliance goals. Specifically, the USP <797>: compliance and beyond session involves a two-day live remote training. Day one reviews the significant chapter requirements of USP <797>. Day two focuses on effective implementation strategies. Participants will receive slides, reference tools and resources, and an attendance certificate.

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This post is related to:

Compounding: USP <797> & <800> Sterile Resources, Compliance, Technology