Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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RedSail Technologies® Unveils Amplify LTC Pharmacy Podcast

RedSail Technologies is proud to announce the evolution of its popular Integra X Files® podcast into the Amplify LTC Pharmacy Podcast, a fresh and revitalized video and audio platform dedicated entirely to the long-term care pharmacy industry. This strategic transition and rebrand is more than a name change. It encompasses a promise to deliver enhanced content, exclusive insights, and expert interviews tailored for the long-term care pharmacy community.

Join us for the inaugural episode of the Amplify LTC Pharmacy Podcast with guest Lindsay Dymowski, cofounder and president of Long Term Care at Home Network and Centennial Pharmacy Services. Lindsay's insights will shed light on the revolutionary impact of at-home pharmacy models in long-term care, discussing regulatory aspects, market trends, and the pivotal role of independent pharmacists. Watch now and subscribe on your favorite platform for content that will empower your long-term care pharmacy.

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