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NO COST Pharmacy Risk Management Presentation

As the 2023-24 school year begins, we want to inform you of a service that Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company offers student pharmacists and their schools.

A Pharmacists Mutual representative can provide a Risk Management presentation to pharmacy students at no cost to schools or the students. The lecture includes a review of the Pharmacists Mutual Claims Study, which provides insight into the leading types of malpractice claims made against pharmacists. It also includes a discussion of best practices and techniques to minimize those risks. While this presentation has typically been made in the pharmacy law class, any student preparing for rotation will benefit. This presentation is available either in-person or virtually.

Risk Management Presentation Learning Objectives:

- Explore claims against pharmacists to determine the risk types presenting the greatest exposure.

- Analyze common medications involved in claims against pharmacists and why they cause particular problems.

- Examine basic risk management techniques to minimize exposures.

- Review professional liability insurance and its significance to pharmacists.

Please visit for more information and to schedule a presentation. We thank you in advance for the opportunity to serve pharmacy students and the pharmacy profession.

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