Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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The medDispense Advantage

Medication security and workflow efficiency are crucial to an accurate medication delivery process.

TouchPoint Medical designed its medDispense® series because no two healthcare facility workflows are identical. The medDispense®platform offers a fully integrated medication management solution customized to meet the facility’s and industry’s evolving needs.

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The TouchPoint Medical team partners with pharmaceutical providers to support safe and precise medication delivery. Pharmacists can choose from the broadest range of interchangeable dispensing hardware powered by medLogic™ to improve operational performance.

From offering a system with a high level of security with stainless construction to single line-item control PODs, the line from medDispense® will exceed management’s expectations.

TouchPoint Medical’s automated dispensing systems streamline inventory management, increase efficiency, and help to ensure a better patient and caregiver experience. The system provides the perfect combination of security, simplicity, and affordability for acute and specialty care facilities of all sizes.

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