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Putting Pharmacy into Perspective at Mercer College of Pharmacy

This is the full audio to a talk I gave in November at Mercer College of Pharmacy. The event was set up by the school's NCPA and APhA Chapters and even though it was in the midst of finals, it was a great turnout. The theme of the talk was around the term "perspective." I wanted to emphasize how early we are in our profession, while discussing how different advances in technology will further shape how we practice. We dove into automation, the impact of Alexa, blockchain, and how to build a personal brand. I also wanted to point out that I didn't start building a "brand" for myself until 3 years after I graduated. I couldn't imagine creating the amount of content I do now while I was in pharmacy school. It just doesn't seem practical. I think documenting the journey may be a great start, but if you're a student hoping to build a brand, have patience. Focus on school and building your relationships with others, you'll have plenty of time to build your brand. Hope you enjoy the episode.

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