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Pharma Software News: Top 4 Benefits of Tension’s Pharmacy WorkFlow Software System

Whether you’re running a mail order, central fill, specialty, or hospital outpatient pharmacy, there’s no room for error in filling prescription and nonprescription orders. It’s also not acceptable to sacrifice speed for accuracy—when patients are waiting on their medications, they rely on their pharmacy to supply exactly what they need when they need it.

Unfortunately, the process of taking fully confirmed order requests and turning them into prescriptions that have been accurately and quickly dispensed, verified, packaged, and manifested is full of opportunities for mistakes and inefficiencies to creep in, especially when a growing volume of orders threatens to overwhelm your current capacity. Whether you’ve automated dispensing, fulfill orders manually, or have a hybrid setup, Tension Automation’s WorkFlow Software (WFS) System is an easy-to-use back-end solution that optimizes efficiency and increases productivity from start to finish. 

How does WFS make your job easier while giving you the peace of mind of knowing that every order is going out accurately filled? Here are the top four benefits of our software:

1. Dedicated Task Workstations – Everybody knows that systems that require multiple tasks and processes per screen inevitably slow things down, forcing users to continually shift gears as they complete steps. Worse, attempting to speed up such layered tasks to keep up with demand can cause mistakes. Our dedicated workstations allow your pharmacy technician or pharmacist to focus on one thing at a time, resulting in reduced processing time overall. The operator is able to excel at a single task rather than juggling many. Read more >

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