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Utilizing Drug Diversion Monitoring Technology: Enhancing Efficiency without Adding Resources

As hospitals and healthcare organizations strive to optimize their operations, the challenge of managing drug diversion looms large. Many fear that implementing a new drug diversion monitoring solution, especially one involving artificial intelligence (AI), will only increase the burden on resources rather than alleviate it. However, by adopting the right AI technology, healthcare facilities can monitor and detect drug diversion more efficiently and effectively without overwhelming their staff. In this blog post, we will explore how leveraging drug diversion monitoring technology can help hospitals, including IT departments, do more with less, while highlighting the risks associated with manual processes in healthcare compliance.

The Risks of Neglecting Drug Diversion Monitoring

An estimatedone in 100 healthcare workers divert drugs. Diversion often occurs quietly or under the radar, and many hospital leaders are unaware it’s occurring until it becomes a much larger problem. Unknown or delayed identification of diversion events can have severe consequences for a healthcare organization. Let's take a closer look at some of the risks involved:

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Manual, retroactive processes used to monitor for drug diversion are prone to human error and oversight. Without proper monitoring systems in place, there is an increased risk of non-compliance with regulations and internal policies. This can lead to DEA fines, legal consequences, and even loss of licensure. 

Financial and Reputational Damage

Instances of drug diversion can result in financial losses for healthcare institutions. Stolen medications and wasted resources due to improper handling directly impact the bottom line. Moreover, news of drug diversion events can erode public trust in the organization's ability to provide safe and reliable care. Read more >

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