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State-wise Pharmacy Regulations

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State Recommended Pharmacy Storage Protocols

When it comes to appropriate storage of drugs in pharmacies, each state is responsible for establishing regulatory requirements that will be effective within that state. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), which is a non-profit organization assists each state board of pharmacy in creating uniform standards for education as well as licenses. Listed below are a few US state boards and their regulatory guidelines for appropriate pharmacy storage:

The State Board of Texas

 According to the State Board of Texas, pharmacists are responsible for appropriate storage of medication as per the instructions printed on the medication labels. They are to possess refrigerators and freezers that maintain consistent temperatures as per drug storage requirements. 

The State Board of Virginia

The State Board of Virginia has dictated that pharmacies should be equipped with appropriate storage units like refrigerators and freezers, as well as thermometers for monitoring temperatures for drugs that require cold storage temperatures. It has also clearly defined separate temperature ranges at which drugs need to be stored. Read more >

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