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TCGRx AdherePac™ pouches are dispensed from our high-speed automated packing systems, the ATP®2 and the new ATP® Mini. Our integrated graphic printing allows for customization of your pharmacy’s AdherePac pouches and can include your pharmacy logo, images of patients, symbols representing pass-times to simplify medication administration, enhanced barcoding for patient safety, and much more. Pouches can be patient-specific, ideal for handling multi-med pouches or non-patient specific, depending on your business model, for cart and unit-based cabinet fills. AdherePac pouches have serrated edges for easy opening and can be separated by pass-time, enabling compliance while patients are traveling or are away from home. AdherePac provides the ability to generate reminder pouches for non-oral solids such as inhalers or topical creams, so every medication prescribed is prompted at the correct time. With an AdherePac program, pharmacies can support a synchronization program, putting a patient’s medications into a 14-, 28-, or 30-day supply.



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Powers Lake, WI 53159

PHONE: 262-279-5307

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Adherence, Compliance, Remote Monitoring, Med Sync