Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Transforming Pharmacy Spaces

Step into a world of innovation with Rxshelving’s latest offerings – the Open Rx Shelving (ORX) and Closed Rx Shelving (CRX), proudly crafted in the USA. Elevate the aesthetics of your pharmacy space with shelving that seamlessly integrates with the color and size specifications of most existing brands.

And RxShelving has more to offer. This design company is not just about shelves; it’s about creating spaces that resonate with your pharmacy vision. The team of designers will help with the desired layout and look of the pharmacy. 

Clients can share a rough sketch of the building, complete with room dimensions, door and window locations, and any quirky obstructions like columns or corners. The team will apply their expertise and provide a suggested layout drawn to scale, along with a quote.

Send your sketches to new heights. Email or fax them to 314-534-0583. Let your pharmacy space invite customers to come in and showcase products and services.

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This post is related to:

Facilities: Design, Fixtures, Engineering