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Total Pharmacy Automation Solutions

Total Pharmacy Automation Solutions

TCGRx offers a wide variety of solutions for all of your pharmacy automation needs, including adherence packaging and pill counting systems for all pharmacy dispensing formats. The ATP® Series automated high-speed packaging systems offer scalable solutions from 64 to 480 canisters, accommodating unit dose or multi-med adherence packaging. AutoSense™ Canisters offer the ability to expand automated formulary using “smart” canister technology, while graphic printing now allows for customization of AdherePac™ pouches to include your pharmacy logo and images to simplify medication administration, or enhanced barcoding for patient safety. The AVF™ Series provides automatic vial filling for retail, outpatient, and hospice pharmacies. Our Beacon® Inventory Management System provides vast reporting capabilities down to the bottle and pill levels to reduce inventory, increase turns, and reduce script fill times. CompletePac™ is a convenient, easy-to-use solution for hospital/outpatient discharges. Multiple medications are placed in a pass time-specific pouch for easy distribution or in a larger pouch for discharge or leave of absence orders, integrating both oral solids and unit-of-use items for patient convenience and handling.



N1671 Powers Lake Road

Powers Lake, WI 53159

PHONE: 262-279-5307

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