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Handling Hazardous Drugs in Veterinary Medicine: Promoting Safety with Closed System Transfer Devices

In the United States, it is estimated that there are over 100,000 veterinary healthcare workers, including veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and support staff, who play a crucial role in the care and treatment of animals. These professionals are often exposed to hazardous drugs, such as chemotherapy agents and immunosuppressive medications, which can pose significant occupational health risks. Long-term effects of such exposure can include skin and respiratory irritation, organ damage, and an increased risk of developing various cancers . Research on the demographic characteristics of veterinary healthcare workers indicates that most of these professionals are women and may be at a higher risk of reproductive toxicity due to hazardous drug exposure. It is essential for veterinary healthcare workers to be aware of these risks and implement safety measures to minimize exposure and protect their health. Safety measures include using personal protective equipment (PPE) and closed system transfer devices (CSTDs) when preparing and administering hazardous drugs. Read more >

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