Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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VMI INDIVION Automated Multi-dose Pouch Packaging System and VMI PHARYS Management Software

Is this your business challenge?

The rapidly evolving Pharmacy market is creating demand for higher speed, efficiency and compliance, challenging your existing processes. VMI Care Pharma, with our VMI INDIVION automated multi-dose pouch packaging system and VMI PHARYS management software, can help improve your packaging processes.

Our solution offers:

• Industry leading speed of over 10,000 pouches/hr

• Over 1,000 large volume smart canisters

• Industrial grade machine designed for 24/7 usage

• Multiple features to prevent cross-contamination

• Maximum drop height of 8” to minimize breakage, dust, and cross-contamination

• Strong ROI through high volumes, elimination of errors, operational efficiencies and unprecedented up time

If your business is high volume multi-dose packaging, we can help! We have a permanent demo system at our US facility in Ohio and a major installation now at work in Phoenix. Let us show you how the VMI INDIVION can help you!

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