Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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(#7 of 7): How does Smith Drug Company support automation for Long Term Care? | Jeff Schneider | Smith Drug Company

#7: How does Smith Drug Company support automation for Long Term Care? | Jeff Schneider | Smith Drug Company 

Watch the Full Series

#1: How do solutions by Smith Drug Company help a pharmacy profit and thrive? | DeWayne Benson | Smith Drug Company 


#2: How does the opening of a 5th facility in Ohio affect Smith Drug Company? | DeWayne Benson | Smith Drug Company 


#3: What is the Integral Rx program and how does it work? | DeWayne Benson | Smith Drug Company 


#4: How is customer service important to Smith Drug Company and Burlington Drug Company? | DeWayne Benson | Smith Drug Company 


#5: Is Smith Drug Company involved in the Long Term Care space? | Jeff Schneider | Smith Drug Company 


#6: What are the opportunities for a retail account transitioning into the LTC space? | Jeff Schneider | Smith Drug Company 


#7: How does Smith Drug Company support automation for Long Term Care? | Jeff Schneider | Smith Drug Company 

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