Pharmacy Market BUZZ

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Top Tips On Reaching Busy Patients for Pharmacies

This article was originally posted in its entirety on NimbleRx's blog:

While it’s always been a priority for independent pharmacies to efficiently serve on-the-go patients, many practices are now seeing a drop in patient responsiveness. Why? Competition does play a factor, but the biggest thief of business is time. Today’s patients are busier than ever before and fitting refills and pharmacy visits into their packed days has become increasingly difficult.

Pew Research has found that more than half of Americans (52%) said they’re usually trying to do two or more things at once and additional studies have found that the average American only has 4.5 hours of free time per week.

So, how can pharmacies reach these uber-busy folks? Let’s examine a few key tactics to reach your pharmacy’s busiest patients.

Send Strong, Attention-Grabbing Refill Reminders

Your patients are getting inundated with more and more messages each day — the average, full-time working adult gets 121 messages every day and that’s just for work.

It’s crucial that your pharmacy cuts through the noise and constant pings with effective, attention-grabbing messages that get your patients to check out with the medications they need. Messaging needs to be clear and based on where they are in their health process, whether it’s filling a new prescription for the first time or reminding them when it’s time to refill.

The content of these messages should communicate either urgency or value and be straight to the point, whatever it is. Read more >

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