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A Deep Dive Into the SureCost DSCSA Compliance Solution

Check out our on-demand webinar to see the full scope of SureCost's DSCSA solution.

In our most recent webinar series "Don't Wait, Prepare for DSCSA Now”, we provided actionable insights into the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) and offered practical strategies for pharmacies to navigate its complexities effectively.

Key Changes and Requirements

The webinar highlighted the key DSCSA changes and requirements that pharmacies need to be aware of, including:

• The transition to package-level verification for pharmacies.

• The necessity for wholesale distributors to provide interoperable package details electronically.

• The importance of tracking and verifying transfers of items between pharmacy locations.

• The implications of the DSCSA exemption list and its impact on various pharmaceutical products.

In order to successfully manage DSCSA compliance, pharmacies need to act now and implement a comprehensive solution to capture, verify, and store large amounts of data from various sources and vendors, as well as the importance of having robust processes in place to ensure compliance across multiple locations while maintaining efficiency in product distribution. Read more >

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DSCSA Solutions