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5 Reasons Remote Access Promotes Pharmacy Growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever altered the way we do business. Not only are consumer preferences shifting online, but more jobs and business functions can be conducted virtually as well. While remote work was initially met with hesitancy, we now know that it can benefit everyone – from consumers and employees to the business itself. In fact, here ere are five reasons remote access promotes pharmacy growth:

1. It boosts productivity.

Remote work can actually increase productivity. In fact, research conducted by Sanford University shows that on average, remote workers are 13% more productive than their on-site colleagues. This is because there are less distractions in a remote work environment. At most pharmacies, team members often struggle to complete tasks while interacting with colleagues and customers. Without these continuous interruptions, remote workers can focus on the task at hand.

2. Employee satisfaction increases.

According to a Forbes article, the remote work also increases employee satisfaction by as much as 20%. This is due to a variety of factors, including reduced commute times for employees. Plus, it allows them to perform their job in an environment and attire they feel comfortable in. Remote work is also associated with better work-life balance because the increased flexibility makes it’s easier to manage both personal and job-related tasks. Read more >

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